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How do you make you coffee?

The power of habits
December 12, 2023 by
Fernando Rodríguez
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In our daily life, as in the professional world, habits possess a transformative power.


Guard your thoughts, for they will become your words. Guard your words, for they will become your actions. Guard your actions, for they will become your habits. Guard your habits, for they will become your destiny.

When reading these words by Gandhi, one of the most influential leaders in history, we might think that he is referring to significant deeds or life-altering decisions. However, these words hold a profound meaning, even in the smallest and most everyday actions of our lives.

Let's take, for example, the act of making coffee in the morning. For many, it might seem like a mechanical, almost routine task. However, it's a series of habits from selecting the type of coffee, heating the water to a precise temperature, and the exact brewing time. Even the emotional state we're in while preparing, it can determine the taste of the coffee and how we start the day.

Behind every small act lies an intention. Although making coffee may seem to be a trivial action, it's in fact, a manifestation of our thoughts and attitudes toward life. By acting with awareness and care in every small task, we are nurturing positive habits that will eventually shape our other actions throughout our days.

Simple actions like making coffee, turning on our computer, or getting ready each morning for work may seem insignificant, but they are manifestations of habits we have nurtured over time. And just as in our everyday life, in the professional world, habits have a transformative power that we often underestimate.

If we apply the same intention and care that we put into preparing our coffee, to how we prepare for a meeting or respond to an email, we will be sending the message that we value our work, respect others, and understand the importance of small actions in the bigger picture.

It's a chain, as Gandhi wisely said: we start by taking care of our thoughts, so that our words reflect the best of us, those words translate into conscious and intentional actions, and those actions become habits that, in the long run, define our lives.

In summary, just as a good cup of coffee requires certain rituals and care, our professional life benefit enormously from well-cultivated habits. Habits aid us improve our personal and professional performance. So, the next time you find yourself facing a routine task, remember the power that lies in those small daily actions.

Make your habits your greatest ally in your career journey!

Fernando Rodríguez December 12, 2023
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